3 Signs You Should Schedule Professional Pool Leak Detection [infographic]

HomeBlog3 Signs You Should Schedule Professional Pool Leak Detection [infographic]

Just like any other receptacle holding water, a pool could develop a leak. However, in addition to making the water levels low in your pool, the escaping pool water can cause water damage to your landscaping and property. If you think you might have a leak somewhere in your pool, you can call on us for our pool leak detection services.

3 Signs You Should Schedule Professional Pool Leak Detection

Here are three signs that you might need to schedule our leak detection services:

  1. Lower Water Levels: While it’s natural to lose some water from regular evaporation under the sun, that loss of water should be fairly low and gradual. If you are noticing lower water levels in more significant amounts every day, then it is likely that you could have a leak in your pool. You will want to schedule pool leak detection so that we can identify where the leak is and determine the best way to solve the issue.
  2. Standing Water: If you have standing water or soggy grass around your pool, it could be that you have a leak in your pool liner or walls that is allowing the water to leak out of the pool and directly into your lawn. This could negatively affect your landscaping and your property in general, so it is always best to schedule pool leak detection to get the leak resolved right away.
  3. Cracks: If you see cracks anywhere in your pool, water could be leaking from those cracks. Also, a crack in the pool deck could be from leaking pool water as well. We can tell you for sure whether a leak might be your issue with our pool leak detection services. Even if the cracks in your pool are not causing a leak, we can repair them for you to resolve the damage before it gets worse.

3 Signs You Should Schedule Professional Pool Leak Detection

Pool leaks are not anything to be ignored, as they will not go away on their own. If you suspect your pool might be leaking, you can call us right away for our pool leak detection and repair services.